You may think that you’re at the whim and mercy of life; that the only thing you can do is “roll with the punches” and try to make it through. You may think that you have no control over what happens to you, or to your body, and that you can’t do much about it once something does happen. I’m here to tell you that’s not so.
I believe we’re all born with the ability to heal ourselves. After learning about Reiki I knew there was a vast, unlimited pool of healing energy available to all of us. I knew that we had the ability to access this healing energy at will given the right re-training and that our bodies were specifically designed for self-healing. I first re-opened to that pool of healing energy via a Reiki attunement or initiation which is part of the Level I class. The attunement process helps re-establish the connection between your body and healing energy and begins the process of returning our bodies to the natural healing miracles that they were designed to be. Perfect health is our natural state and Reiki, or energy healing in general, helps facilitate a return to that state. The more you practice Reiki the stronger the energy flow becomes.
I didn’t come by this concept accidentally. This was something I’d thought about since I was a teenager. I was raised in a medical family. My father, both grandparents, aunts and uncles were all doctors. My mother was in pre-med when she met my father and had since become interested in nutrition and health. I grew up hearing about health and diagnosis and surgery and etc.
Through years of observation growing up, I came to believe that our bodies have a great healing capability that was drastically discounted by the medical society and greatly underused, undervalued and misunderstood by society at large. I began to explore the healing options that our bodies naturally give us. When I was a teenager, I actually healed myself of some bleeding cuts on my hand. I was young enough to try it but old enough to be a bit jaded and think it was a fluke.
Fast forward a few years (okay, a lot of years) to the time I first learned Reiki. I think it was early 1998. I ended up taking a Reiki Level I course in May and a week or two later I was involved in a bad car accident that left me virtually flat on my back for months. I was in different types of therapy for a couple of years and on a reduced schedule at work, too. I’d always known, and had even proven to myself in the past, that I had the ability to heal myself. I just wasn’t sure how to tap into it. Now I found myself in a situation where I really needed to be able to heal myself. So, I tried it.
I used Reiki to help myself heal and it helped – a lot. The experience truly helped me know that I wanted to continue on with it. I took Reiki Level II and, later, I became a Reiki Master/Teacher. Eventually, between the therapy, my commitment and my daily Reiki treatments, I was able to walk again almost as if nothing had happened. I still get aches and pains occasionally and I continue to use Reiki to help me relieve them. I use Reiki to help heal my everyday bumps, cuts, burns and bruises, too.
Reiki helps with all the levels of a human being including body, emotions, mind and spirit. The effects can range from relaxation to healing, from spiritual connection to freedom from old emotional wounds. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki will flow to the area of “you” that most needs help. You may be experiencing something physical but need more help with something emotional so Reiki energy will be drawn to that area first. Reiki also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery and is becoming widely accepted and utilized at surgical centers and hospitals across the country.
In fact, I had the good fortune of training many nurses at surgical centers in South Florida and was able to sit in on several surgeries. The results are anecdotal as there was no formal study, but the post-op nurses told me all the patients who were in that surgical suite that day experienced a decreased need for pain medication, less swelling, faster recovery times and were calmer and in better spirits than they had been previously.
This abundant, infinite healing energy is readily available to all of us. I believe it’s our responsibility to restore our natural state of openness, connection and healing. That’s why I believe everyone should know and learn Level I Reiki, or any energy healing practice that helps reconnect you with your innate healing gifts. With just this one class, you can open up a whole new realm of health, healing and well-being and really begin to take control over the state of your mind, body, spirit, and emotions. After all, you are the one who is ultimately responsible for your health.
If you have a chance to take a Level I class, DO IT! I bet you will love the experience and it will impact your life in so many positive ways.
What are you doing to manage your healing process? Let me know. Comment below.