A comprehensive Self-Care practice is the foundation of a great life.
Self-care is not just about taking care of yourself physically but also taking care of yourself emotionally, spiritually, mentally and more.
“Self-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and lay initiated.[5] Self-care is learned, purposeful and is continuous.[6] In philosophy, self-care refers to the care and cultivation of self in a comprehensive sense, focusing in particular on the soul and the knowledge of self.” Wikipedia
Each aspect of your being is important to have the best life possible. Unfortunately, life can get really hectic. The pace of daily life today is than it was for our grandparents or parents. It’s easy to run ourselves ragged with family obligations, work, and the desire to have a social life.
There are so many responsibilities vying for our attention and it’s easy to fall into a go-go-go, do-do-do rut. Suddenly you find yourself running all day long and winding up neglecting your all important basic self-care necessities. In the midst of all the frenzied and chaotic world, it’s imperative that we make time for ourselves, that we set up regular self-care practices, so we can continue to pour ourselves into our lives.
Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Meditate. Make room for a regular meditative and spiritual practice. No matter your beliefs, regularly paying attention to that part of you that is beyond the physical is important to staying healthy and energized.
Exercise. Do so in a way that honors your body. There is such a thing as too much exercise so be sure pay attention to your body and to include the gentler forms of practices such as Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates and etc.
Create a special, even sacred space for yourself where you can relax, rejuvenate, restore, and revitalize at least once a week if not daily. It could be your bathtub, your church, your meditation space or your garden. Any space you can reach regularly to give yourself the internal care that you need so you can go full-out during the day.
Smile. The physical practice alone releases endorphins so you’ll feel better no matter what. To make it even better, when you share a smile, people usually smile back.
Set up a regular health care regimen including a well thought out healthy and healing eating regimen (such as The Plan) and regular visits to healthcare professionals both traditional and complementary.
Get outside and be with nature, away from the computers, televisions, appliances and all the other gizmos and gadgets that can interfere with our bodies natural rhythms and cycles. Let nature help you reset and realign your natural energy levels.
The point in life isn’t to just see how much you accomplish but to enjoy the journey, grow as a human being and be the best “you” possible.
What’s your regular self-care practice? Share yours in the comments below.