Life can be challenging sometimes. The great thing is, anyone can overcome anything given the right direction, support and a realization that a strong connection to God/Universe/Soul will help you through. You don’t have to be religious or even spiritual to be highly connected.
Take a few moments and get quiet, tune into our body and focus in. When you get focused and present and allow yourself to contemplate who you are and how you life your life, you might realize that you’re living mostly on autopilot. When you’re present in each moment, if only for a little while, you notice that there’s more to your body and to your life than you realize when you’re on autopilot, going through your day.
In fact, there’s a lot more.Most of our lives, perhaps 70 – 90%, depending on the individual, is not noticed because we’re on autopilot and when we’re on autopilot, focused out at the world around us and not paying attention to ourselves, our bodies or our inner talk, we miss most of life. Because life is about the experience of living. Life is about the noticing and awareness. It’s about what’s going on within me, around me and surrounding me at every moment. That’s being in the present moment. That’s being fully alive!
Breathe in deeply, take time to feel and notice your lungs expand, feel and experience the air going in through your nose, filling your lungs, your muscles expanding and then contracting with your outbreath and the air flowing out through your nose, that’s being aware and present in the moment. This is one of the best ways to practice being in the present moment.
Learning to be in the present moment isn’t just a nice thought. It’s a practice that can make your life flow better, help you in making decisions, planning and taking you out of reaction mode. As you practice being in the present moment your stress and anxiety will diminish, your ability to know what to do and when to do it will expand and your appreciation of life will increase.
Try it and share your experience in the comments below. Also, if you have another method, please share that also.
To an ever increasing Inner Peace! Namaste!
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