You may have heard of Muscle Testing (MT) (also called Applied Kinesiology but they’re not exactly the same thing) but for those who haven’t, it’s the process of using your body to find out the truth or falsehood about a particular subject and is used widely in complementary medicine as a noninvasive way of evaluating possible physical imbalances and then assessing the body’s needs. The technique is based on traditional Chinese Acupuncture and our energy or “Chi” system within our bodies. The process involves testing the body’s response to slight pressure on a large muscle group, such as an arm.
The “Map of Consciousness” was developed by noted author and psychiatrist, Dr. David Hawkins. In his book, “Power Vs. Force,” he tells us that he developed the Map to help determine your vibration at any given moment. Your correlates your attitudes and emotions with specific values to help you chart their spiritual growth. “A psychiatrist, Dr. Hawkins’s basic thesis focuses on the “Ultimate Presence”-the source from which individuals can reach their highest potential. By applying principles from kinesiology and acupuncture, he explains the association between positive attractor fields and one’s health, well-being and creativity, and how to move toward one’s ultimate potential, progressing from negative to positive energy fields.”(1)
While this may sound fishy, it’s actually based on sound scientific concepts from particle physics, nonlinear dynamics, and chaos theory. The universe is made up of energy bundles, not solid matter as we once believed. Our bodies may look and feel solid as witnessed by our five senses but they’re actually made up of billions, or trillions, of bundles of energy vibrating at just the right rate to be witnessed as “you” or “me” by our senses. From this perspective, the Map of Consciousness developed by Hawkins makes sense and its application within our lives gains relevance. With this knowledge, it’s possible to use MT to discover truths about our world, our lives and our bodies.
Most MT is performed by a practitioner but you can also learn to test yourself through some simple techniques and practice. It may take several weeks, practicing 10 – 15 minutes a day, to reach a state of relative effectiveness with self-testing. You must be in a state of objectivity and calm to get accurate results. (Self-Testing methods will be published in subsequent articles on this website.)
While there is a lot of controversy about the validity of MT with traditional medicine calling it “quackery” and “magic” there have been successful studies(2) and more research is needed to win over the skeptics. In comparison, the ancient practice of Acupuncture has been accepted as valid and effective for thousands of years yet It’s only in the past couple of decades that its been accepted into the United States. This happened over a period of decades filled with derision by traditional medical practitioners so it stands to reason that it will take some time for MT to be accepted as a viable means of diagnosis and a valid tool for people to use for their spiritual growth.
There are many things that can not yet be explained by our traditional scientific method of evaluation and yet they are working to help people improve their quality of health, life and spiritual growth. Muscle Testing can be placed in the ranks of Reiki, Tai Chi, Chi Qong and any other practice that includes the subtle energies of our physical bodies.
To learn more about MT self-testing, contact Gia Cilento and watch for next week’s article. If you have had experience with MT, please comment and share your experience.
1. Google Books,
2. National Institutes of Health,