I’ve been doing some soul-searching about my weekly blog. In fact, I’ve been doing some soul-searching about a lot of things in my life lately. It’s been rather difficult the past month and a half to stay on schedule and post something relevant and meaningful. My life’s been turned sideways a bit over the past weeks with the passing of my Step Dad and the blessing of the opportunity to spend time with my Grandson several days a week for two weeks out of the month.
I’ve also been wondering if I’ve taken my blog in a direction that makes sense and that helps people. My desire and aim is to help people feel better inside, to find their place of inner peace and joy, to be able to handle life’s situations, issues, difficulties and just the everyday and still maintain a calm inner center of peace, confidence and knowing that all is well. I believe there’s a place inside us all where we meet with our Higher Selves, a point where our connection with God or Universe or Soul, is full and constant. I believe most of us, or those of us who’ve had what could be termed “struggles” in life, have forgotten about this connection and about where we come from and who we really are.
I’ve had what most people would consider an inordinate amount of strife, challenges, setbacks and difficulties in my life. So, for the longest time, my biggest struggle was internal. I had an underlying sense of fear and doom. I was anxious and suffered from past trauma’s. I thought life was about struggle and pain and fear and that I had no say in anything, that life was like the ocean and I was just a small speck being tossed around by the waves.
It was not a pleasant inner existence. I hurt inside and my body responded by hurting, too. Life was hard and I was unhappy, sad and disappointed. I didn’t know how to handle everything so I just put my head down and pushed through.
At one point, my sister, Abby, introduced me to meditation and that made a huge difference in my life. From there, I found a book by Sanaya Roman called, “Living With Joy: Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation” that told me I could live with joy instead of constant strife and struggle. It was like a lifeline had been thrown. Over the next many years, I learned more and more about how I could change the way I feel and the way I see life, that I could feel good about myself and not have to apologize to anyone or feel guilty for it.
I’m still learning and growing. I still work on my inner self, my self-talk, the way I feel about life from day-to-day. I still struggle at times with feelings of doubt and fear and sadness. There are days when I wake up and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and have a sense of doom but they are few and far between now. When I wake up like that or if something happens during the day that triggers feelings of fear and anxiety, I know what to do to help get my Self back. I know that I’m connected at all times and I never have to fear that I’m all alone in a big dark place. I know that I’m a child of God, that I have an inner power to create and that I can tap into that consciously whenever I choose. I know because for years I’ve been learning and practicing different methods to help me refocus, wake up and remember who I am.
I’ve learned many methods to help me be peaceful and happy inside. My reason for this blog is to share what I’I’ve learned with others who might need help. To share what I’ve learned with those who have had or are having struggles in life and need some relief from the inner stress and anxiety that usually comes along with that. I want to share that, eventually, “struggle” goes away. Life doesn’t stop being life, but the way you look at it and the way you handle it changes as you learn to keep your inner Self well taken care of. From there, struggle turns into challenges, turns into goals, turns into achievement.
Having an assortment of techniques and tools to help me tap into my inner peace, joy and power helps me on a daily basis and I hope that by sharing what I’ve learned I can help someone else, too. I am extremely thankful for all the teachers who’ve come into my life and I’m thankful to have this opportunity to share what I’ve learned with you. So, I hope I’ve made life a little easier for you by sharing some of the things I’ve learned. I hope you’re learning to find your place of inner peace, your peaceful place inside. I’m grateful for you, I appreciate you and I honor you.
Much Love,