This week, I missed my deadline for my weekly blog post. I was pretty disappointed in myself. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t get past the pressure in my head and behind my eyes to sit up and type. My lower sinuses were inflamed and my whole head felt like it was going to pop!
I’m sure just about everyone’s been there. My lesson is to make sure I get my blog post fleshed out waaay before my deadline. Oh, and to keep myself stocked up on organic chicken broth, green tea and the supplements I got from Sandy. I think I told you about her last week.
She’s amazing! I called her, told her my symptoms and she said my liver was overworked due to the detoxifying effects of “The Plan” and was shunting waste through my sinuses. Apparently, it (the liver) will use the sinuses, lungs, skin or kidney to get rid of waste if there’s too much for it to handle. Who knew?! Sandy Waters knew and I am SO glad. (No, I’m not getting a kickback for plugging her. She really is that good!) She helped me get back on track and here I am today, writing to you. Victory!!
So, yeah, if you detox too fast the cold and flu-like symptoms can come up. They came up for me and I’m glad I was able to find out what to do about it. For those of you who are interested, I’ve been using “The Plan” for about a week and a half and I’ve dropped about 10 lbs. I feel great. I haven’t been hungry, for the most part. There have been a couple of twinges, but only because I hadn’t followed the plan to the letter that day.
On another note, I want to talk to you about another service I’m re-introducing today: Life Coaching. I’ve been a Life Coach since the mid-2000’s. It’s a method of helping people that I really enjoy and the people I work with have made great strides in their lives.
I approach coaching the same way I approach my healing work, with the knowledge that I’m a conduit for whatever it is you may need to hear, do, know, etc. to get your life where you want it to be. I help you reconnect with your innate inner wisdom. The trick is getting you back in touch with that part of yourself that you’ve spent years ignoring or pretending you don’t have so you can move through life with clarity and clear vision.
As a Reiki Master/Teacher and Massage Therapist, I’ve come to believe that everyone has the ability to heal themselves, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, too. The problem is, we’re not taught this as we grow up. In fact, we’re taught the exact opposite. We’re told to deny that voice we hear within because our elders, be they parents, grandparents, teachers or whomever, know best. We trust the people who brought us into this world and cared for us during the time we’re not truly able to care for ourselves. We want these people to love us so we do as they say, for the most part.
Now, I’m not saying that you can blame your parents or caretaker’s for everything that’s happened in your life. My coaching is about responsibility and that wouldn’t fit in. Your parents/caretaker’s did what they knew best. They passed on what they were taught with no ill will and, for the most part, with great love, hoping to pass on the tools they used to “make it” through life. So, we divorced ourselves from our inner being or soul as we grew up and adjusted to our material world.
As your coach, it’s my job to help you get back in touch with who you really are so you can be clear about where you want to go in life. From there, we create a plan so you can take the steps to get there.
Life is yours to create. I’m here to help you.
What to expect from my coaching program
First, we’ll assess where you are right now. What’s going on in your life that has you seeking coaching. What might have brought you to this place and what might be some underlying events that are keeping you in this place. (Note: you don’t have to be in a “bad” circumstance to desire coaching. Coaching is for everyone in any stage or circumstance of life. Just as a world-class athlete has a coach, so, too, can anyone else and for many different reasons.)
Next, we’ll go through a journey of discovery to help you get very clear in your vision for your life, your health, your finances, etc. This step is key in assuring a successful experience.
Third, we’ll determine the gap between where your are now and where you want to be.
Step four has us taking a look at what may be in your way of achieving your new vision and what will it take to get your there.
Finally, we’ll go through steps to help you become the person you see in your vision by creating a mindset, habits, routines and customs that fit your desires.
Coaching is an iterative process, as is life. After all, we’re human and, as such, we always find ourselves striving for more. I don’t mean that in a superficial or purely material sense, either. Everything in our world continues to grow throughout its lifespan and humans are no different. We continually grow, change, evolve and reach new stages of development that give us a new perspective on where we are in life, thus spurring us on to an ever-changing vision.
I have coaching packages available on an individual and group basis. I’m working on my Coaching page right now and I’ll have more information up by Monday. In the meantime, call, text or email and I’ll get back to you with the details.