You may think that you’re at the whim and mercy of life; that the only thing you can do is “roll with the punches” and try to make it through. You may think that you have no control over what happens to you, or to your body, and that you can’t do much about it […]
Goddess Meditation to Heal and Rejuvenate
After a day of giving, doing and pouring yourself out for others, the Goddess Meditation rejuvenates your inner Goddess. The soothing sounds of bubbling water take you on a journey that will fill you up and get you ready for your next adventure. I created this new meditation to help you relax, unwind, heal and realign with […]
The Beatings Will Continue … 5 Ways To Tackle Negative Self-Talk
Who’s really beating up on you the most? It’s probably you. Don’t believe me? Stop and notice the way you talk to yourself. One of the biggest obstacles to Inner Peace and developing your Inner Sanctum is the presence of negative self-talk and the way we beat ourselves up. For the most part, this self-talk […]
Living A Constipated Life Or, How This SuperWoman Got Her Groove Back
Being a SuperWoman isn’t always easy. In fact, it can be downright tough. So many expectations, especially from yourself. Sometimes it feels like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions. And, sometimes, when you don’t live up to those expectations, things unravel, fall apart and you have to rethink and re-evaluate what you’re doing, why […]
8 Ways To Relieve Stress, Unwind and Renew
Everyone has stress. It’s a natural part of life and happens everyday. There’s no escaping it. What you can escape, however, are the harmful side effects of prolonged, extreme, and/or chronic stress. First, let’s take a look at stress, what it is, how it impacts you, how to recognize it and then we’ll dive into […]
Gia’s Inner Peace Workout – A Meditation
When you hear the words, inner peace, what do you think? Maybe the term conjures up images of a monk sitting in a cave at the top of a lonely mountain, or a group of people sitting in meditation for hours and hours a day. What’s it really mean, though. What is this elusive thing […]