A comprehensive Self-Care practice is the foundation of a great life. Self-care is not just about taking care of yourself physically but also taking care of yourself emotionally, spiritually, mentally and more. “Self-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and lay initiated.[5] Self-care is learned, purposeful and is continuous.[6] […]
Keep Your Stress Down and Your Loving Holiday Spirit Alive
I haven’t always loved the holidays or keep a loving holiday spirit alive. There have been years when I felt so stressed and pressured that I just didn’t enjoy myself. This was especially true when my children were younger and I felt that I had to have things just right for them. I made myself […]
I Hope This Helps You Find Inner Peace
I’ve been doing some soul-searching about my weekly blog. In fact, I’ve been doing some soul-searching about a lot of things in my life lately. It’s been rather difficult the past month and a half to stay on schedule and post something relevant and meaningful. My life’s been turned sideways a bit over the past […]
6 Ways To Handle Holiday Stress
Holiday stress can put pressure on our entire lives and wreak havoc on our ability to maintain our inner peace. These weeks leading up to the holidays can be extremely stressful as we try to juggle our regular schedules and add in all the extra food to cook, shopping to do, family to invite (or […]
Muscle Testing To Find Your Vibration On The Map Of Consciousness
You may have heard of Muscle Testing (MT) (also called Applied Kinesiology but they’re not exactly the same thing) but for those who haven’t, it’s the process of using your body to find out the truth or falsehood about a particular subject and is used widely in complementary medicine as a noninvasive way of evaluating […]
Inner Peace Is A Choice – 12 Steps To Get There
On any given day and at any given moment there are as many reasons to feel peaceful, to choose inner peace and to pass it on as there are to feel annoyed, threatened, angry, frustrated and to pass that on. You must choose which you will allow in your life. It is a choice. Pass […]