If you’re anything like me, you sometimes feel like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions at the same time. Yes, you manage to fulfill just about everything on your “to do” list, but sometimes you can end up feeling drained, empty and exhausted or even totally overwhelmed. When you’re feeling like this, you […]
Living A Constipated Life Or, How This SuperWoman Got Her Groove Back
Being a SuperWoman isn’t always easy. In fact, it can be downright tough. So many expectations, especially from yourself. Sometimes it feels like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions. And, sometimes, when you don’t live up to those expectations, things unravel, fall apart and you have to rethink and re-evaluate what you’re doing, why […]
8 Ways To Relieve Stress, Unwind and Renew
Everyone has stress. It’s a natural part of life and happens everyday. There’s no escaping it. What you can escape, however, are the harmful side effects of prolonged, extreme, and/or chronic stress. First, let’s take a look at stress, what it is, how it impacts you, how to recognize it and then we’ll dive into […]
Gia’s Inner Peace Workout – A Meditation
When you hear the words, inner peace, what do you think? Maybe the term conjures up images of a monk sitting in a cave at the top of a lonely mountain, or a group of people sitting in meditation for hours and hours a day. What’s it really mean, though. What is this elusive thing […]
Even Super-Women Need Down Time
Yes, I said it. I know you might have thought that the idea of Super-Women went out in the 80’s or 90’s but don’t fool yourself. There are probably more pressures on us as women today than there were back then. We thought we had a lot to take care of before and now we’ve added in […]
Help! My Head’s Going To Explode!
This week, I missed my deadline for my weekly blog post. I was pretty disappointed in myself. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t get past the pressure in my head and behind my eyes to sit up and type. My lower sinuses were inflamed and my whole head felt like it was going to pop! I’m sure […]